Sunday, April 13, 2014

Why my bad result if an equal doll has a good result?

Why some dolls have better result than you?

Did you ever wondered why some dolls have less items or weaker items than yours and they manage to get an equal or better result? 

Answer: It depends on your level in the game.

Above image: the right side is more than level 100, left side is less than level 30.

A higher level had unlocked new items and Gamegos tries to equal the chances to win, by the voting system. It seems lower levels have more voting times and higher levels less.

So, how to get better results:
Try to have the best at your level for a theme.

This means, you use what you have in most of the themes and for some themes (by your choice) you use all your keys to get the best items. You only need to get the best dress, or suit at first.

Trying to get very good results in all the themes is very hard. There are some themes, as someone said, that gives advantage to lower levels. Other themes, like Wedding Aisle, that a lower level can't win the Global-10, for example, because you need to have the best wedding dresses.

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