Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fashion SLOT Mini-Game

Fashion SLOT

After the Bingo feature unfortunately buggy, we have a new minigame, Slots.

Quoting Forum:
 "This features comes to you with a bigger chance to win and always offers a prize."

"Slots is played using Tokens. To spin the Slots, you must use 10 Tokens. You'll get a head start with 20 Tokens (or two spins). After that, you can get more Tokens by Asking Friends (every 12 hours you can request 1 Token from friends) and by waiting 2 hours (every 2 hours you get 1 free Token). This means you can save up for another spin every 5 hours.

You win a prize for every spin in Slots. " 

"The possible prizes are (in order of probability):
  • 300 Coins
  • 3 XP
  • 10 Tokens
  • 5 Heartbeats
  • 1 Key
  • A Gift (one of the four product prizes at the bottom of the Slots game)
  • 20 Tokens
  • 30 XP
  • 50 Heartbeats
  • 10 Keys
  • 10,000 Coins
Thus, 300 Coins and 3 XP are the most probable outcomes. 10 Keys and 10,000 Coins are very difficult to get. The probablity of getting a gift is in the middle range."

"Note: Don't forget that the option for having Fashland post on your behalf must be enabled in order to be able to post requests for help from friends on your timeline. If you are not sure that this is installed, please delete and re-install the Fashland app – you will not lose any progress!"

There are some items rewards:

Source: Gamegos Forum


  1. Almost used up all the keys I have. Around (100 keys). Most of the time get 1 key or 3 exp back. So hard to get the gifts from the slot machine. Saw other players get the whole set outfit from the slot machine in one day time. Looks easy for them. Oh why?

    1. they would already have 2000 keys or more than 100 keys... :(
