Friday, March 21, 2014

Apple Orchard FashCup Winners

Apple Orchard
Suggested Styles: Country, Casual and Safari.

I decide to make my doll just pretty because I don't have the best Country clothes and I ran out of keys. Yes, the best is choosing one of the nice Country dresses and adding accessories from another styles. 

Well, there was winners in Casual style, but I am sure that in my level, and with my luck, I wouldn't make it. There is also the winner in the Country TOP10 with the Retro Style dress yellow and green.

I am happy that my doll looks gorgeous! And this is a question of lucky, also.

Let's see the winners below.

Other 9 Global winners:

Me and other players:


  1. all in theme and me ( Farm) also ..:(

    1. Well, I had a bridal t-shirt ;) All others, yes, they were in the theme. :( Better next time
