Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Space Age Nightclub FashCup Winners (26-March)

Space Age Nightclub

Suggested Styles: 
Futuristic and Avant-Garde. Other styles: Gothic, Royal or Casual style, or more, in some details to make your doll special and different.
    For those that read my blog, I would like to repeat that these is a blog to write notes about the game Fashland. There is no other purpose or objective. 

    These notes helps me to know how to dress-up my doll, and registering my history in the game. 

    This blog doesn't say how you should dress-up your doll (it doesn't say how can I dress mine neither). 

    The styles are ONLY suggestions, as above says, and they only mean that in the past there were winner in these styles or when we are voting these are the winner styles. 

    To get a good result and win depends on the players and ONLY on them. This means that you can win with whatever style of your choice. You just need to try, because to be different probably will make you win one of these days. 

    Previous Winners 13-March

    And The Winners Are ...

    The Other 9 Global Winners:

    My neighbors:

    The Other 9 Country Winners:

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