Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bosphorus View Voting

Bosphorus View
By the voting results you can understand which styles you should not use and it explains that your doll looks fabulous but very low result.

By the voting results you can understand which styles you should not use and it explains that your doll looks fabulous but very low result. In Bosphorus you should not use the following styles, even if they look party like:
  • Fantasy
  • Bridal

Another conclusion is, as obvious, as higher the cost (keys or diamonds) is the dress/accessories and as more items do you have, as more likely you are to win in the pair voting.

Let's check below some votes that shows how did I get the conclusions above .

(+) Evening Style, diamonds cost, and winner
Yes, the other didn't get a chance.
(-) BridalEven with a dress very low in keys, bridal lost.
(+) Left has more adequate items for the theme, and stronger (bag and shoes)
(-) Fantasy
(-) Fantasy
This one is really very clear, NO fantasy here.
The competition here was also very weak in this theme.

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